Long Time No See?!

Dear Fans,

As I stand here and type this entry, I realize that it’s been quite awhile since I have updated you on my life.

Composing My Blog

Composing My Blog

First….hope everyone had a nice Easter. It was nice for me until I realized that bunnies don’t actually lay eggs and the eggs in my human’s refrigerator are not chew toys. That shell is not tasty and I am still in shock that some people actually eat that rubbery substance on the inside (that little yellow sun in the center is adorable though…nice touch).

In addition to the holidays, Pittsburgh is finally out of the ice age! I was getting sooooooo bored being inside. My human would take me for rides in the car to get my energy levels up and I just couldn’t….I just couldn’t!

I just can't!

I just can’t!

But one day I decided I needed to SNAP out of this funk, throw on my most favorite ball cap and headed to the salon to get myself lookin’ snazzy for all my ladies.

Favorite Hat

Favorite Hat

Looking and feeling great!

Looking and feeling great!

…And it’s true what they say! Look good, feel good!

For those of you who follow my blog, you probably know that I’m a big deal, but when I walked through Market Square last week with my new bow tie and my “teddy bear haircut”, everyone was swooning. Paparazzi were clammering for my photograph….not surprised. I walked taller and I ran faster!

Living downtown is great! I get to make so many new friends every day and when I’m home relaxing, I just look out over the entire city checking things out. I actually like to consider myself the “watch dog of Pittsburgh.”

I look forward to updating all of you on my Spring adventures and hope everyone enjoys their week!!

Living Life With Abandon,

