Long Time No See?!

Dear Fans,

As I stand here and type this entry, I realize that it’s been quite awhile since I have updated you on my life.

Composing My Blog

Composing My Blog

First….hope everyone had a nice Easter. It was nice for me until I realized that bunnies don’t actually lay eggs and the eggs in my human’s refrigerator are not chew toys. That shell is not tasty and I am still in shock that some people actually eat that rubbery substance on the inside (that little yellow sun in the center is adorable though…nice touch).

In addition to the holidays, Pittsburgh is finally out of the ice age! I was getting sooooooo bored being inside. My human would take me for rides in the car to get my energy levels up and I just couldn’t….I just couldn’t!

I just can't!

I just can’t!

But one day I decided I needed to SNAP out of this funk, throw on my most favorite ball cap and headed to the salon to get myself lookin’ snazzy for all my ladies.

Favorite Hat

Favorite Hat

Looking and feeling great!

Looking and feeling great!

…And it’s true what they say! Look good, feel good!

For those of you who follow my blog, you probably know that I’m a big deal, but when I walked through Market Square last week with my new bow tie and my “teddy bear haircut”, everyone was swooning. Paparazzi were clammering for my photograph….not surprised. I walked taller and I ran faster!

Living downtown is great! I get to make so many new friends every day and when I’m home relaxing, I just look out over the entire city checking things out. I actually like to consider myself the “watch dog of Pittsburgh.”

I look forward to updating all of you on my Spring adventures and hope everyone enjoys their week!!

Living Life With Abandon,



Dreaming of Summer

The last few weeks have been a tad bit rough….to say the least. One day I’m running as fast as Usain Bolt through grass “dahn” the Point and the next day I’m slipping and sliding and shivering my fur off. However, I must say, Ma has hooked me up!! with the winter gear. I’ve been sporting sweaters, hoodies and leather jackets straight off the runway…and looking good in them too, I must add! (Ladies, I’ve seen you looking, and I’m okay with it.)

Sporting the hottest new leather coat

Sporting the hottest new leather coat

But, aside from my cool new outfits, I have not a single clue as to what’s going on outside. My paws are freezing the minute I step out and there’s this wet, white, powdery stuff on the ground that tastes like the water from my drinking cup, but much colder. I think my person was expecting me to go bounding through the snow like one of those furry things with the long ears that jump around when I chase them at the park, but that’s not happening. I go outside, take my person for a walk, do my business and get back inside ASAP.
The coldest blow dryer I've ever encountered

The coldest blow dryer I’ve ever encountered

walking through santas village

Last night, after taking a bone-numbing walk through Santa’s Village and trying to chew some of the salt that someone so generously left outside for the taking (which I later realized was an awful idea and paid the price for), I got home to the best surprise ever!!! A spa treatment! This is my absolute most favorite thing in the world. What’s better than a warm luxurious soak? I’ll tell you what is better….nothing!

just out of bath

And what’s even more exciting is just how much more aerodynamic I am and how fast I can run around my condo!! I don’t know why this skill makes my Ma mad, as I’m just trying to help out with the drying process. But, she says I’m ruining carpets…whoever that is.

After my time at the spa, I donned my new holiday pajamas and snuggled in, in hopes of waking up to Summer. I will continue to hope that Summer returns sooner rather than later, however, I’m told this is just the beginning.

new jammies capone peeking over pillow

Living with Abandon,




Dear reader,

Thank you for visiting my blog! I think it’s safe to say that I’m an extreme novice at this whole blogging thing, so please bear with me while I steady myself and figure out what all this white space is for.

I’m not sure how many of you are adopted, but I am. The last year has been quite the roller-coaster ride. Since being born in January 2013, I’ve lived in 4 different homes; originally with my birth mother who I don’t really remember on account of being a newborn and then with the couple who purchased me from my breeder who also gave me the kick-butt name of Capone! I gave them all the love I could muster at such a young age, however, a few months passed and they decided that I wasn’t a good fit for their family and took me to this big group home for dogs and cats… I believe they call it the Humane Society. It wasn’t too bad, but they were long days in a 3×3 living space, cold concrete, lots of barking and lots of people coming and going. No one ever stayed and I wondered how long I would be locked in (seems like a trend for us Capones out there). I consider myself a pretty well-behaved guy, but I had begun to think I had chewed one too many shoes or had pooped one too many times in the house.

Until one day when a 20’s-something gal walked in, asked for me!!!, and came walking right over to my bedroom like she had been searching for me my entire life! A guy then picked me up and escorted the two of us to a room for us to have a more formal introduction. I was really nervous and shy at first. I hadn’t showered in months, my hair was overgrown and I could barely see. What girl wants an overly hairy and stinky guy?

Standing next to the man at the Human Society meeting my new Mom!

Standing next to the man at the Human Society meeting my new Mom!

So, I had to pull out all my best move…kisses, vertical jumps, and even showcasing my extremely keen sense of smell. The girl then kneeled-down to tell me her name. Jessi. But, at that moment, I knew that I would never know her as Jessi, but as Mom. So, I gently sat up and pawed at her knees so that she would push back the hair from my eyes to see her better. I then nuzzled my little fuzzy head in-between her knees letting her know that I would always be by her side and love her with every ounce of myself.

Before my first haircut

Before my first haircut

And that, my friends, is how I’ve now ended up in Pittsburgh in my forever home! I love taking her for walks and saying hi to all my new friends downtown, it’s a great way to stay fit, spend time together and build great rapport with my neighbors. I can honestly say I have not one thing to complain about which is why I’m always smiling and so excited to share all of my new adventures with you through this blog.

Happy and healthy

Happy and healthy

Living with Abandon,

